Paisajes Sonoros

Paisajes Sonoros - Visual Music

Paisajes Sonoros Logo

Paisajes Sonoros - Visual Music is an audiovisual project I started in 2012. It is an invitation to enjoy a musical and visual journey to Serenity and Beauty, combining my music with images of landscapes and places that have inspired me to compose my music.

Paisajes Sonoros (Visual Music) on social networks:

Find my videos on my YouTube channel and on my Instagram. Don't forget to suscribe!

Audivisual live show:

Along these years, I have felt the need to share my music live and I have performed in different formats:

TRIO: Since 2018, I perform "Paisajes Sonoros" along with Sandra López (violin) and Paula Campos (flute).

Paisajes Sonoros TRIO

ALONE: I have played in places such as Ecocentro (2012), Centro Kardia (2012) and Buero Vallejo park (Cabanillas del Campo, 2016).

Paisajes Sonoros SOLO

BAND: On the 30th of june, 2012, I performed "Paisajes Sonoros" along with 5 musicians in Infantado's palace gardens (Guadalajara):
Bass guitar - María José Estívariz
Percussion & Drums - Alvar Grijelmo
Violin - Elisa Mon
Flute & Keyboard - Carlos Calvo
Guitar & Keyboard - Fernando Bartolomé

Paisajes Sonoros (TRIO)

Paisajes Sonoros (SOLO)

La isla del volcán (the volcano island)

La sonrisa de Leo (Leo's smile)

Sailing into the sunset

Calma (Calm)

Ternura (Tenderness)

Reflexiones (Reflections) LIVE

Pequeña Oración (Little Prayer) LIVE

La primavera ha llegado (Spring has arrived) LIVE

Colores del campo (Colors of the countryside)

Luz interior (Inner light)

Vida (Life)

Luna (Moon) LIVE

Luz interior (Inner light) LIVE

Further than the Milky Way (LIVE)